A special novena of Masses will be offered daily at Holy Trinity, May 10th-18th, for those enrolled in this special Mother’s Day Novena. Mother’s Day Novena offering envelopes are available on the entrance tables in the church, and in the parish office during business hours.
On Monday, May 31st, Mass will be at 9:00 a.m. only. The parish office will be closed on Monday in observance of Memorial Day. Let us remember and honor all those who have died in service to our country.
Please join us at Green Hills on Sunday, May 30th at 7:00 p.m. for our Memorial Day Observance, or watch online. The Moving Wall can be seen from May 28th to 31st.
Also known as the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, this feast is traditionally celebrated on a Thursday, the 40th day of Easter and commemorates the bodily Ascension of Jesus into heaven.
This Friday, May 7th, the movie "Fatima" will be re-released in AMC theaters. It is based on the true story of the Blessed Virgin's appearances before three children in Fatima, Portugal in 1917.