“The Imperfect Families of Genesis” opened the Dawn Unity Group’s twentieth year on
Tuesday October 19th at 7:30 pm at St. John Fisher Catholic Church, 5448 Crest Road, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. The panel of Rev. Jonathan Chute, Rolling Hills United Methodist Church; Rev. Reinhard Krauss, Academy for Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Studies; Rabbi Ron Shulman, Congregation Beth El; Msgr. David Sork, St. John Fisher Catholic Church will discuss this very rich subject…why are the founding patriarchs and matriarchs presented with their flaws as well as their piety? Bob Rothman, Dawn Unity Group Chair, will be the moderator. The event can now be viewed on Facebook at Dawn Unity Group, and is also available on our YouTube channel "dawnunitygroup". For any questions call (310) 833-7008.
Dawn Unity Group Facebook page DawnUnityGroup YouTube channel