The Gloria is a hymn of praise and should be sung if at all possible, especially on Sundays. It can be sung by the entire assembly, as much of the music for mass is, or in this case a setting only for the choir is permitted. Various styles have been utilized here at Holy Trinity, from Gospel to Pop to Classical and many more in between.
When children will be dismissed for their own Liturgy of the Word we sing a song that not only covers their moving to the Children's Liturgy room but also sets the mood for the proclaiming of the scriptures in our midst. Our current song, “O Word of God” asks the Holy Spirit to come into “this space” to send us God’s face, and to open our hearts and minds to God’s word that we may be transformed by what we hear.
Music for the Liturgy of the Word consists of the Responsorial Psalm and the Gospel Acclamation. Responsorial describes a dialogue between the cantor, who takes on the role of Psalmist, and the assembly. The psalm is scripture in itself, is prescribed in the Lectionary and reflects the Old Testament reading. Sometimes a seasonal psalm is chosen which links the weeks of Advent, of Lent, or of Easter with a particular theme.
The Gospel Acclamation can also change seasonally and functions as a greeting for Jesus’ words proclaimed in the Gospel. It invites everyone to listen carefully for Jesus is about to speak! The gospel verse usually contains a “preview” of what Jesus will say. The text of the acclamation changes during Lent when we refrain from singing “Alleluia” while we remember the passion and death of Jesus. “Alleluia” triumphantly returns on Easter and remains the same throughout the season until Lent returns again. (January 23, 2005)