For each of the liturgical seasons listed last week the Liturgy Committee must have a sense of the season. Looking at the Gospel is key for it gives us our focus. Is it a time of joyful celebration or a time of remembering? Are we waiting in joyful expectation or atoning for our trespasses? Once the feel of the season is established the environment committee explores how the worship space can be enhanced to help us focus our thoughts and prayers on that Gospel message. The proper colors for the season are used and with flowers, greenery, fabric, ribbon, candles, and water, the Assembly, Altar, Ambo and Presider's Chair are highlighted.
Liturgical ministers must be scheduled regularly to be present and serve at all our liturgies. Well prepared lectors, eucharistic ministers, servers, ushers and greeters are a constant in our assembly.
The music also gives shape to the season and the music ministers work weekly to choose just the right texts and musical settings to tell the Gospel story, while allowing and encouraging the assembly to find its voice.
Sometimes the committee decides to enhance the mass with special rituals, for instance, the dressing of the worship space and altar at the Easter Vigil or the Pentecost candle lighting ritual that began our masses last weekend. Rituals like these are first conceived, then choreographed, scripted and coordinated. Volunteers are sought to take part and a rehearsal is scheduled.
It’s all about getting people involved in their liturgy, for the mass belongs to all of us baptized Catholic Christians. More next time. (June 6, 2004)