There is just one more item to implement from the new GIRM: General Instruction of the Roman Missal. It is perhaps the most important one of all.
It’s pretty simple: as you come forward to receive communion, make a throne for the Eucharist with your hands. When the minister holds up the Host and says, “The Body of Christ,” bow your head and then say, “Amen.” When offering the cup of Precious Blood the minister says, “The Blood of Christ,” bow your head and say, “Amen,” then take the cup from the minister and drink.
You may be wondering why this change, now. Years ago after implementing the procedures established after the Second Vatican Council the bishops had meant to clarify how we should show reverence to the Lord when receiving communion. Many practices cropped up on their own; some private, some public, but no specific guideline was designed. The new GIRM establishes how we should show our reverence by asking us to bow before receiving rather than making our signs of reverence afterwards.
For more details please see the article “The Posture and Gesture of Reverence for Holy Communion”
A recap of all the GIRM changes is available on our website or in pamphlet form in the near future. (May 9, 2004)