Did you receive a text or email asking for CASH or GIFT CARDS from Archbishop Jose Gomez, Fr. Kevin Nolan or any HT Staff member? If so, then please disregard and delete it immediately! This is just a SCAM created to prey on kind-hearted parishioners, and it is happening throughout the LA Archdiocese. Scammers usually obtain our information (emails and cell phone numbers) from our parish bulletin and/or website.
The latest e-mail & text scams of Cyber-Scammers are targeting L.A. Archdiocese parishes & schools. Unscrupulous individuals are creating e-mail accounts with usernames similar to the names of parish priests, and sending out phony e-mails to parishioners asking for gift cards.
Please click on this link to view the letter.
Please click on this link to view the flyer.
For more information, and to stay up-to-date about the latest cyber-security threats impacting L.A. Archdiocese locations, visit http://archla.org/avoidscam or https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/features/scam-alerts.
Please report scam text messages involving your parish or school to helpdesk@la-archdiocese.org.