Always working quietly behind the scenes is our Environment Team. The committee, Mary Zbojniewicz,
Danielle Cosgrove, Annette Lenneman, and Chuck Winkler has recently added two new members: Sr.
Tracey Sharp and Sr. Virginia Buchholz.
As we approach the coming of autumn our worship environment will begin to reflect the subtle changes in
nature that, here in Southern California, are a bit elusive.
Already the shadows are beginning to stretch and deepen as the days start to grow shorter. The sun is at
a different angle in the sky and its rays warm us as the air begins to ever so slightly chill. (Chances are the
week this is published we will have experienced our notorious Santa Ana winds and you may be sweltering
as you read this!)
The coming of autumn is reflected in our worship space. The floral swags that surrounded the assembly
have given way to the simpler line of rich, dark green banners placed in the font area. The lighter summery
green drapery behind the altar is replaced by the straight panels of rich green and gold fabric. And
finally, the altar is distinguished with the large banners on either side, made of the same rich dark green
fabric, touched with gold, that sets a different tone as the season changes.
There are symbols to ponder now: on the left, the Trinity is denoted by a Celtic triangular design within a
circle. On the right, the monogram of the name of Christ, formed by the first two letters of that name in
Greek, X and P (Chi-Rho, the symbol for Christ), is presented.
Look to see what other changes occur as we enter autumn. Thank you Environment Team for making our
church even more beautiful and for helping us to pray. (September 26, 2004)