United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
The web site of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Meeting Christ in the Liturgy
Weekly reflections on the Scriptures of the sacred Liturgy and the Catechism of the Catholic Church in English and Spanish.
Bishop's Committe on the Liturgy
The Committee has the responsibility in the bishops' conference for all matters relating to the Liturgy. It reviews all publications in the U.S. which contain excerpts from approved liturgical books. It also provides leadership in liturgical formation and sacramental catechesis, especially by means of its monthly BCL Newsletter and other publications.
Worship and Liturgical Music
Links and resources provided by the Resources for Catholic Educators.
Mass in Transit
An interactive website that helps catholics and parishes mutually interact by web hosting services,online parish mapping, and acting as parish medium.
Center for Liturgy
Praying here and now, as you sit at your computer, with the help of on-screen guidance and scripture chosen specially every day. Resource for Sunday readings, preparing for Sunday Liturgy, and personal reflections on the Liturgy.
J.S. Paluch Electronic Services
Integrating tradition with technology to serve the Catholic community. It offers web hosting and development, e-publications, e-contributions, church management software, and the Paluch Directory Program. This program creates a parish, school or organizational membership directory with ease.