Last year we spent several weekends discussing various portions of the mass to gain a better understanding of why we go to mass and to learn to more fully participate in our worship of God. This week we begin a review of those lessons learned:
• The Second Vatican Council brought about the revitalization of the liturgy and therefore the renewal of the Church. However, it is important to note that this revitalization is not yet complete!
• The baptized have both a right and a duty to take part in the liturgy with understanding and competence.
• There are two purposes of the liturgy: to praise God and to transform the assembly.
• Before Vatican II worship was individualistic: we were concerned more about personal obligation than in engaging in community.
• A personal surrender is necessary in order to fully participate in communal worship. We must be willing to join with others, recognizing and appreciating Christ within them.
• At liturgy we join ourselves to Christ’s act of worship of God.
• Entered fully in the liturgy God shapes our minds and hearts according to the divine will.
• Empowered by God’s grace, we who have been transformed can be used by God to transform our world.
• The ultimate goal is to transform the world for Christ: Liturgy is the source and summit of our life together in Christ. (July 18, 2004)