You’ve probably noticed the change in the church decorations: the rich golds, greens, and reds of the Christmas season have given way to the simplicity of Winter Ordinary Time. We have only six Sundays before Lent begins!
The liturgical year, which celebrates the events of the life of Christ: his mission, his passion, death and resurrection, and the flourishing of his church, is punctuated by seasons of quiet waiting, joyful exaltation, transition, penitence, lamentation and triumphant elation.
When we celebrate liturgy all the human senses are engaged: sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. There is a rich palette from which to choose to powerfully express the Gospel message week to week.
The Environment Team works to bring the liturgical and ecological seasons to life by using a range of color and texture to visually express the mood and feeling of the current time of the year. Although our temperate southern California climate makes it difficult to fully appreciate the changing seasons, the team looks outside for inspiration and brings the seasons inside, to nuance and shape our worship experience.
The Assembly, Baptismal Font, Ambo, Altar and Presider’s Chair are the focal points for their creative designs. (January 18, 2004)
— Thank you Environment Team!