The work we do this Lent will blossom into a lifetime of faith.
One of the greatest accomplishments of the Second Vatican Council is the restoration of the ancient rites that bring people into the Church as they did in early Christian times. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, known as the RCIA, reinstated a path for adults that brings them into a very real encounter with Christ; something we cradle Catholics may have never fully experienced.
We are “called to universal holiness” and look forward to the renewal of our own baptismal promises at Easter, and so, during the season of Lent we journey with the Elect and Candidates. Their powerful and bold witness inspires each of us to strengthen our own relationship with the Lord.
Over the next three weeks, at the 8:30 & 10:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Sunday Masses, the Elect and Candidates will experience the scrutinies: rituals that invite them to pray in an especially open way for healing and deliverance. Just so should we, the fully initiated, open ourselves to scrutiny and pray for restoration and release from the demons who haunt us.
Here is an adapted version of the powerful Prayer of Exorcism. Perhaps each of us could use it in our own way this Lent:
Lord, Jesus, you are the fountain for which I thirst, you are the Master whom I seek. In your presence I dare not claim to be without sin, for you alone are the Holy One of God. I open my heart to you in faith, I confess my faults and lay bare my hidden wounds. In your love free me from my infirmities, heal my sickness, quench my thirst, and give me peace.
Show me the way of salvation in the Holy Spirit that I may come to worship the Father in truth, for you live and reign forever and ever. Amen. (March 12, 2006)