Our coming together on Sundays is a remarkable time when we join our hearts, minds and voices in praise of God the Father through Jesus Christ the Lord. Here are 7 principles we embrace about the liturgy.
One—We acknowledge that the mass is the source and the summit of the life of our community, and that our full, active and conscious participation in the liturgy can transform us and also the world in which we live.
Two—We recognize that God is speaking to us in the Scriptures and if we are open to the Word it too can transform us.
Three—We unite our own will with that of Christ's during the sacrifice of the mass: he gave his whole life in God’s service.
Four—We express our thanks to God for the gifts of life, love, family, laughter, music, good work and redemption in the Eucharistic Prayer.
Five—We believe that the Eucharist transforms us into the living Body of Christ.
Six—We act as the Mystical Body of Christ on earth and take the gospel message to our community and to all people.
Seven —We realize that the liturgy shapes our lives and that it is the source to which we return week after week for spiritual food.
Our parish mission statement on the front of this bulletin acknowledges that this community is energized by a deepening liturgical and spiritual life. Attendance at Sunday mass is evidence of this commitment to serving one another and our community. (February 19, 2006)