Throughout the liturgical year the weekend masses are enhanced by various rituals. Sometimes we have banner or streamer bearers who help make the procession lively and celebratory. At other times they may carry palm fronds or candles. Whatever the ritual there is a small group of people (usually 6) who are asked to participate in the liturgy in this special way and their actions are directed by a Ritual Coordinator.
The Liturgy Committee members fulfill this function and we are very blessed to have them, however, we are in need of more help. There is no one on the committee who is regularly available to coordinate these extra rituals at the Saturday evening Mass. Are you willing to help?
A ritual coordinator has a good sense of the timing of the mass, is enthusiastic about involving people in our worship, enjoys working with others, can give simple instructions, and is willing to help carry them out.
Here’s how it works:
• The Liturgy Committee designs the ritual
• A script is developed with instructions on the envisioned ritual
• The coordinator anticipates the ritual by asking individuals at their assigned mass to participate
• Sometimes a rehearsal at a time outside of mass is required
• The coordinator instructs the helpers just before the mass on what they will be doing
• And makes sure that it happens at the appointed time during the Mass
It is not even necessary to come to a meeting, if you have e-mail, all communications can be done in this manner. If you are interested in helping out please let one of the priests know or call me, Donna Barnes, at 548-6535, ex. 306.
Thank you in advance for your help! (November 13, 2005)